About 18 decades or so ago, Marx and Engels came up with a plan to change the conventional wisdom, the status quo, the capitalist elites etc etc etc. But then look what happened when Stalin grabbed a hold of their failing Bolshevik reconstruct.
And then look what happened when the little German moustachioed asshole came up with a counter-plan.
History indicates that every attempt to fix the problem eventually degenerates to a destructive, cruel, oppressive system of its own.
Perhaps the writer of Genesis, along with his subsequent interpreters, were correct when they came up with the idea of original sin and human depravity.
Yet for that malady, there is only one remedy, but many are reluctant to receive it, lest they be crucified as their progenitor was.
And the few who do subscribe to that risen crucified misfit are banished for being simpleminded and gullible.
In the midst of all this, life goes on, and on, and on.
And then what?
If there's any chance of life beyond this present arrangement, you just might have to adopt a different mindset--faith-- to recognize its continuing influence in human destiny and decency, as well as its life-giving power in the event of death.
Faith in what? Take a guess.