Andrew, you remind me of the fellow who told Jesus "I believe; help my unbelief."
Any serious seeker such as you or I will wrestle with God, as Jacob did. An attentive reading of the historical account of faith reveals that the Creator takes seriously those sincere seekers.
Relax, Andrew. Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth. That means people who don't get belligerant in trying to prove themselves. They just find themselves, time after time, trial after trial, wondering why they can't shake this "faith" thing.
And as for the Luke 6:8 event, does the message therein sound like a bully who wants to control the world by coercion, as Jake Chansley was doing.
Seems to me that the God in Amanda's musing is more consistent with the character presented in the Testament. Furthermore, Jesus said that the sign of the prophet Jonah would be given to those who are on the path of belief.
Yes, consider Amanda's Jonah deliverance comparison as the dutiful call for justice and mercy that God is requiring of us Americans.
The way of the sword is not God's will; that's why he told Peter to put away the sword.
And Providence saw to it that Jacob Chansley's swordish attack was put down.
Make way in your heart, Andrew, for the Prince of Peace. Take Amanda's comparison as a sign from God that He is still in the Act of retrieving us from the "whale" of insurrectionist deception.
Blessed are the peacemakers. Meditate on that one for awhile.
One more thing: Don't forget that Jesus was the only man in human history who died a criminal death and then lived to tell about it.