As a reader/writer who has, like you, been claiming the "radical centrist" identity, I absolutely agree with you.
Furthermore, there is precedent in our recent history of this decent, peacemaking, concessionary power.
In 2000, Al Gore did exactly what you suggest here, and it worked.
Because of Gore's willingness to do the right thing, President Bush was able to peacefully enter the Presidency, and we managed to keep this nation cobbled together for another eight years until the wall-streeters screwed up our financial stability with their desperat MBSs, CDOs and other desperate money-skimmimg schemes.
But I digress. Getting back to the point, if Trump had taken the course that Al Gore chose in 2000, our nation would still be in a position of stability.
But now the only immediate course of law-restoration that we have is in the hands of Attorney General Garland.
'T'is tragic that it has come to this. But our Justice Department must invistigate and prosecute until the American people are told the truth about what happened, and the wise leaders of both parties among us rise to the level of Statesmanship instead of devious rebellion.
Centrists of America, unite to rescue our nation from these oath-wielding insurrectionists!