As a republican with an identity crisis, I am still maintaining my insistence that the party of Lincoln should, after the clusterfud of their maga-domimated covnvention in Milwaukee, pull themselves together and find a nominee who is acceptable to mainstream America.
And who, you may ask, might that be?
Two hopeful possibilities: Mike Pence is the statesman who did the right thing when it mattered most and thereby turned the whole trump/maga clownshow on its arse. Mike Pence deserves a chance to move forward on his bold insistence to uphold our Constitutional processes.
On the other hand, perhaps these strange times would demand another sort-of bad boy type leader, in which case Chris Christie would be the choice. He is the GOpper who first recovered enough sense to oppose trump. Chris Christie would be a good President. He is living in the real world.
Mike is nice, but too dull for politics.
As for the trump clown. They should lock him up in a cage for public display. Perhaps the so-called conservatives of this nation will learn a lesson.