Deepstate Debate
I know how to get things done! said the Chief exec to the people.*
Oh yeah? said the rabble to the babble. That’s just deepstate stuff.
Yeah, I hear ya bro. I mean, I woke up and I was in a bad dream.*
It’s like, you just woke up in the deepstate. Yeah, it’s a bad dream.
Um, it wasn’t the deepstate bro. The bad dream is the maga king.*
Nah, man, the deepstate cooked all those bogus charges in newyawk.
Trial by jury of twelve citizens, paying a porn star with campaign funds*
Uh, deepstate BS. That’s all that is. People can spend their own money.
Whatever. But he called his gang out to trash our Capitol and Congress.*
Those patriots were trashing the deepstate, not the Capitol.
Our Senators and Representatives are not deepstate. They’re elected.*
The elections are rigged. You know that, don’t you? deepstate scam.
Who told you that? *
President trump, January 6. the deepstate stole election for sleepy joe.
Who told you that? *
The supreme court. president trump is immune to the depstate charges.
Who told you that? *
A little bird. president trump is immune to the deepstate bullshit.
What little bird? *
Uh, tweether. i saw it on tweether. It’s all over the internet, max and oan.
And what did the little bird say? *
He said that the court said the prezdent’s immune.
President Biden is immune? *
Uh, no, the real prezdent. His debate proved it. He takes charge, y’know.
So is he gonna take charge of the deepstate? *
He’ll get rid of it.
He’ll get rid of the government of the United States? *
Just the deepstate.
What about the rest of it? *
He’ll rework the whole dam thing. No more deepstate.
What about our elected leaders? Representatives, Senators? *
He’ll fire them, just like he did on TV.
He can do that? *
Yeah, like I said. Hell get rid of the deepstate.
I see. Then we’ll be in deepsh*t. *
Uh no. America will be great again.
Uh, yeah. Be careful where you step. *