Hey Dan! Thanks for your very timely advice. As one Christian to another, I say: Amen!
But how about a simpler prescription to get people back to the pure gospel:
Read the four gospels.
Read one chapter every day, beginning with Matthew, and . . . all the way through John.
Here's the real game-changer:
From the readings, gain a true perspective on how Jesus Christ, our Messiah, actually lived!
How did he conduct his life every day?
Having no place to lay his head, he wandered about doing deeds of absolute kindness and healing for everyone who had the faith to believe what he was presenting to the world . . .
and he is still presenting that truth, every day. . .
it's right there in black and white, without all the superfluous elements of churchianity that you mention above.
Thanks for sharing your prophetic message on Medium. Keep up the good work of spreading the Good News!