I am a Christian.
Read the gospel books. The person you find there, the one who trod the hills of Galilee and Judea, that man--taught love, brotherhood of all people, non-violence and benevolence.
Love your neighbor. Love the strangers; take them in. Feed the hungry, provide shelter for the homeless.
Turn the other cheek when provoked. Love your enemy. These are principles of God's kingdom that Jesus taught; and his life embodied what he taught.
The religious people of his day did not accept his miraculous, irregular ministry. They were so mad about his teaching and his ability to gather outcasts, that they dragged him--with accusations of heresy and insurrection-- into the court of Caesar and Herod--the empire Establishment of that place and time.
Together the powerful empire leaders collaborated with the religious zealots and sentenced him to death on a cross.
He died on that cross.
Three days later, he resurrected--the only man in history to have accomplished life conquering death.
He suffered a criminal death and then lived to tell about it.
His teaching, his example, his life, death and resurrection are the the most important accomplishments in the history of mankind.
His mission had nothing to do with what those rioters inflicted upon our nation on Jan 6.
If he were to show up at such an event, he would rebuke them for their violence, their cruelty and their arrogance.
If he had been there, they probably would have put his neck in that noose and called it victory.
Read the gospels. Those rioters have no comprehension of who Jesus was, and no regard for the nonviolence and love that characterized his miraculous life, death, resurrection and perpetuity through history.