I apologize for this insult. I was in a hurry when I saw your comment, and I overreacted. Truth be told, I understand that our President does present a few symptoms of dementia. I am 70. I empathize with Joe.
He does have a team of competent advisers surrounding him. Joe depends on them, I am sure. I like this teamwork approach to leadership.
My impression of our former president is that he was only interested in advice from people who were afraid of him, or people who would kiss up to him. Even on the day of his most serious, treasonous offense, he was trying to intimidate Vice President Pence with his post-riot comments. But Mike did not go along with Donald; he chose instead to do the right thing — the constitutional path toward legitimate governance.
The result was that now we have a President who — although he may be losing a few neurons (as I am also losing at age 70) — he is willing to listen to people who are trained to provide information and counsel on their specific areas of knowledge.
Joe Biden has been a legislative participant in our US .gov since 1972. He has a deep store of knowledge about our government and how it works and he is putting it to good use. You may call that deepstate; I call it competence. And although he pauses every now and then, he has a team of competent experts who assist him in staying on the best track toward running a .gov of the people, by the the people and for the people of these United States.
Thank God for Joe Biden.