I have just read your message above on Feb 24, the day that trump's buddy putin has begun destroying Ukraine.
I can only thank God that the Loser is no longer our President, with access to that red phoneline to the Russian dictator.
The Loser had an idea that world leaders were a select group of potentates who could manipulate world resources in a cruel game of hyped-up power.
Fortunately, we are led now by a well-seasoned statesman who has served in our highest level of Congressional and Executive leadership since 1972.
I am hoping that, as Americans witness, now, the careful and decisive leadership of an experienced Vice President whom we have promoted to President--as Biden guides us thoughtfully--accepting informed counsel from professional leaders and soldiers instead of calling all the shots as trump would do . . . we will be able to work with our NATO allies, and with the Ukrainians, to defeat trump's buddy Vlad the Mad.
And Americans will come to appreciate, once again, the value of true leadership instead of shoot-from-the-hip trumpiam bluster.
That's a long shot, considering what we've been through with the Joker and his thugs, but we have to find a foothold of hope somewhere, to get this nation back to a functional E Pluribus Unum consensus.
Thanks, Alex, for posting your insight and cogent analysis on Medium.
Keep up the good work.