I have often thought this, Vy.
I live in a medium-small town that would be quite rural in its demographics, if it were not for the presence of a mid-tier state university.
The university has a forward-looking program of appropriate and sustainable technology that anticipates the need for our conversions to energy-conserving equipment, greening agriculture and efficiency.
Our entire agrico-industrial infrastructure needs reworking. Such a massive undertaking would require massive shifts in employment and education to enable new ways of doing things with new emphases on sustainability.
It may be that a Biden administration could rise to the challenge of initiating new employments, similar to the New Deal of Roosevelt in the 1930's.
Such a turnaround would require massively new empahsis and retooling, coming from--both-- the "educated" innovative blue-side, and the physically-adept, trainable "working" people.
But that would require massive cooperation from Americans who are presently in shell-shock over the trauma of trump and the loss of income due to pandemic coming on the heels of globalized shifts in employment.
A well-known biblical saying among people who cherish that legacy states this truth:
"Without vision the people perish."
Ninety years ago, Roosevelt was a visionary whose farsighted programs initiated the serious task of dragging us out the Depression.
If Biden and others--including many deluded Republicans and many delaudid-addicted city-dwellers--can find the inspiration to accept the real challenges of life in a 21-century world, maybe we could begin to turn this thing around.
But it will take a LOT of work--both mental and physical.
And even though I suggest that visionary leadership will be required, the other half of the equation requires this willingness to . . .
Get busy and do something.
Now is the time for all men and women of goodwill to find something constructive to do, and do it.