Indi, I agree with your analysis of what is happening now. Several years ago, I wrote a history-researched novel, Smoke, that provided a glimpse into Europe in 1937.
Your despairing assesment is probably correct. Hitler and his gang of thugs initiated their failed takeover in Munich in 1923, known as the beer-hall putsch.
That first attempt failed. But the demonic dictator wannabee continued his death march ferociously, picking up malcontents all along the way and converting them into jackbooted stormtroopers.
And, as you know, Indi, ten years later, 1933, they were able to take over the German government. They did, as you mentioned, burn the Reichstag, then proceeded to crank up their wehrmacht war machine and holocaust infrastructure, and had it built up so strongly that Chamberlain had no clue in '38 when he made a deal with the fucked-up fuehrer to bargain off the Sudetanland in Czechoslovakia.
However, by that time it was too late. Churchill, like you now, was trying to warn his people about the nazi threat but nobody was listening.
When hitler moved his war machine into Czech, then Poland and France, it was almost too late. It actually was too late.
But it took a helluva lot of catch-up ball and a belated wave of yankee productivity to turn the wehrmacht holocaust around. Most of us know that story. At least I hope we do.
Bottom line: we need to stop trump and his legions before it is too late. The Congressional and Justice department investigations and subpeonas need to continue for as long as it takes to uncover what actually happened during that attempted-reichstagfire insurrection on Jan 6.
Then the purveyors of treason and their minions need to be brought to justice, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned before they can hype up their revolution in the mainstreets and suburbs of this stumbling democratic-republic.