Israel was the victim of what is known in street-talk as a "sucker punch." They were thereby "suckered" into over-reacting.
It was a tragedy. Yes it was.
But hey, there is another pseudo-proverb that arises from street-talk: "sh*t happens."
What hamas did to provoke Israel's overzealous sucker punch was detestable. I don't know but I been told that they had set up their attack for the express purpose of triggering Israel's over-reaction.
Sucker punch. They caught Netanyahu off-guard.
So maybe the Israelis did screw up, by launching a counter attack that was murderous.
But we, as an ally, should give counsel, military advice from our highly-experienced military leaders, advice that would put into place military tactics and intelligence that would prevent, if at all possible, any future screw-ups like the travesty that has so many empathetic former allies now complaining like teenagers who do not understand how the real world works.
Personally, I do believe that the Israeli's ought to build a wall to partition Gaza off from Israel. Then some day, some wise statesman will pass through and make a speech to the effect of "Let them come to Gaza." That is, a la a former statesman of ours (from Massachusetts) who went to Berlin and said, "Let them come to Berlin!" Then later, another American statesman came by and said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
And Gorbachev did tear down the wall. And peace and safety came to Germany thereafter.
The lesson: Peace and safety in a volatile area that is disputed between two people groups is no easy prospect. It is no walk in the park.
This ultimate reconciliation between Gaza and Israel will take time, probably a long time. It will require patience and careful guidance from American politicians and military tacticians.
Self-appointed politicians who jump the gun by condemning our blood-bought, holocaust-surviving ally--those self-appointed critics need to review the history lessons they studied at Harvard or Yale or Outback Tech--and they will realize that military alliance for the sake of survival requires time, patience, careful consideration and analysis.
Not loudmouth politicians, journalists nor any tom, dick or harriet who wants to run their mouth as if they understand what the hell is going on in this world.