Jessica, everything you represent here makes good sense, in terms of what is beneficial in human experience and society. Good luck with that.
The problem is it does not conform to the real world.
The reality has never changed; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Marx and Engals came up with a fairly impressive plan to make what they thought would be a better world. But look what happened when Stalin got a hold of their vision; he turned it into the ancient principle of human tragedy: power accrues to those who use it to their advantage. This applies to politics, military affairs, legal power, imprisoning power, stalag power, as in Stalin's case.
Here in the "New World" where we thought we do set up as system to render the Old World obsolete, we ended up with the same systemic abuses that were indicative of the world: slavery, robber barons . . . media moguls, amazon-size control by the overlords over all the little people who can't figure out the arcane secrets and use them to their advantage.
In the 1830's, the Second National Banks was, you might say, the "crypto" of that day . . . a mysterious overarching institution that only the high and mighty players could understand and manipulate.
1913: Federal Reserve: same thing, the "crypto" of the 20th century. Now its the dominant vehicle for all currency, value, wealth, or lack thereof.
And now that Fed/BigBanks/Treasury cryptonic shell game is deteriorating, running out of gas, running out of currency value, and those finance guys that you resent are cooking up a new scheme that is more appropriate for a digital age.
It's always been this way, always will be, until the whole dam system blows apart from abuse.
Ultimately, our real currency is nothing more than electrons racing around the globe, trying to keep up with whoever's in charge at this moment. (which is nobody).
Where we're headed is: everyoby gets a meal ticket and a chip and a swipe and good luck with that.
Sad to say, but read 'em and weep.