Kneejerk MAGAnians
Now here come them MAGA trumpicians
with their blame-shifting knee-jerk renditions
not unlike their knee-jerk liberal nemeses
losing sight of who’s the real enemies.
Yeah, I say unto thee
even here in this land of the free
they cannot discern who’s the real enemy:
As putin assaults Ukraine unanimity!
Oh! but here come the knee-jerk trumpicians
with their pro-putin sympathetic renditions
blaming Biden for putin’s conflation
and American gas-price inflation,
‘cuz Joe put the brakes on Russian oil
while Ukrainians shed blood, sweat and toil
I mean who in the hell
is blitzing Ukrainian soil?
and murdering Ukrainian citizens
with satanic ruskie denizens!
Now just say it ain’t Joe!
Ye knee-jerk trumpians oughta say so.
Just take your gas-guzzling sass
and cram it up your MAGAnian ass