Losing My Head?
Am I losing My Head at the tender age of 73? Wait, not so fast. Back it up a bit.
Funny thing happened on the way to Jan 10th, 2025.
I woke up from dreaming about Richard Nixon, with an idea that I should forgive him.
Okay. Maybe it was the new mattress. Our kids gave us a new mattress for Christmas, which I didn’t think was necessary.
But hey! It worked like a charm. I slept very comfortably, but an odd thing did happen in the morning. My first awakening on this new mattress seems to have sparked all kinds of gracious things running through my head.
Yesterday, we had driven through a town where, in previous years, we had visited my mother and father-in-law when they were living in Davidson twenty years ago. It’s a very pleasant, idyllic sort of place. Nothing could be finer than to be driving through that Carolina village in the morning.
But my mind was playing tricks on me. There had been a few periods, back in the day, when I had felt slightly resentful of my father in law. May he rest in Peace; don’t get me wrong, he was a very good father-in-law, an Irish, a civil engineer, builder of bridges, good husband, and father of nine, one of whom has been my perfect wife for 45 years.
But my mind was disturbing me because it had taken a rather morbid turn. It seemed to me that as I was driving through Davidson yesterday, the thought came to me. . . I am the same age now as my father-in-law was when he was living in that town. What does that mean?. . . and he is dead now so that means I too will be dead some day! But hey! This is getting out of hand. But wait; there’s more. I should tell you, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.
So I wake up the next day, today, dreaming of Richard Nixon!? What’s up with that? In the dream I had been sitting across from him and listening, as if I were a journalist interviewing him.
But, but. . . with the strange feeling that I should forgive Richard Nixon!
For what? You tell me! Sending goons to the Watergate hotel?
Well then, anyway, a little later today, I was having breakfast and pondering the Beatles song from the Sgt. Pepper album. . . When I get older, losing my head, many years from now. . .
All that to say: if you get a new mattress, read all the labels. There’s no telling what memories are stuffed into your old dreaming platform. And the old memories — at least in my experience — will try to sneak back into your golden slumbers while you’re dreaming.
This is what the Beatles were singing about on Sgt. Peppers:
“When i get older, losing my head. . . when I’m sixty-four.”
But now I’m seventy-three! Way past sixty-four. . . and wake up thinking of Nixon and pardoning him, and — Dare I say it! Does this mean. . .? maybe even pardoning Donald Trump for his leading the insurrection on Jan6, four years ago.
I better sleep on it again, and besides I want to read Jack Smith’s report before I do such a thing. And I am wondering what George Washington would think of what happened on Jan6, 2021?