Not necessarily “written” , Tessa. That’s just the question that popped into my mind when this Christian read your very interesting treatise.
I can’t prove anything to you.
I’ll not magnify the tension between my woldview and yours, except to share this experience from my own search for meaning and a workable plan for life. My casually scientific research to find truth in this world led me to a discovery of the wondrous genius behind the DNA.
Apart from questions of right or wrong, it seems to me that the wonder of DNA indicates a systematic construct beyond mere evolution and/or natural selection. A background presence of some higher intelligence, or order, seems to be progressively at work.
Beyond that, and including it, I have discovered that, no matter where a person turns for absolute certainty about the most important judgements or decisions of life, a falling upon some faith is the endpoint of all enquiry.
We can have no absolute knowledge. At the end of that knowledge path is always of leap of faith.
Perhaps I was simpleminded, or weary of searching for answers. But my life-search brought me to Jesus, and I rested there.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.