Oh, I'm not worrying, Mike. It's much worse than that.
At the rapid pace by which the orange shitshine is dragging down what-used-to-be the American "Right", we will indeed have another civil war on our hands.
But this time it will not be with a Mason-Dixon line to clarify who is on whose side.
It will be a cluster-fud of fascist guerilla terrorism.
What is now considered "lone gunman" tragic events would become magamaniac stealth warfare.
Have you noticed how obsessed those people are with "second amendment rights"? That is is fascese for "I'm packin' and I'm not afraid to use it! I don't care what anybody (any judge) says!"
I dread what will happen the next time a January 6 (2025) rolls around.
Please tell me I am wrong and it could never happen!