Polarity that we detect in the natural world, ie protons/electrons, etc. . .becomes a basis for existence itself, and the unfolding of the universe.
That polarity is represented everywhere in our world, including the spiritual realm, political ring, and societal extremities.
Our worst civil problem in history, politics, and contemporary protest is that certain participants cannot and will not acknowledge the destructive effects of their own actions when engaging their supposed opponents.
Regardless of one's philosophical, religious or existential underpinnings--the hard truth is that whenever extremity of ideals/faith manifists as violence, homo society breaks down, falling into anarchy, destruction, and misery for victims.
The ethereal discussion about how or why all this happens is interesting, entertaining and sometimes constructive, but the practical truth comes down to this recommendation:
Whatever you do not want to be done to you--don't do it to anyone else.