Although electrons now are streaming froth with disaster and woe-is-us video fortified with blustery putinous warnings of our empire’s downfall and their empire’s upchuck, and
meanwhile back at the middle kingdom ranch, techie-tok wizards collect data like robber barons used to collect cash back in the day, and
although bellicose bullying bee-ss is broadly flung forth through this-twitter and that faceblob as the big cheese strains to trump said putinous bluster and middlekingdom xi-nanigns, and
although thousands, maybe millions, of our citizens assemble in the streets to demand justice and equality and employment and relief from covid and relief from centuries of oppression and mistreatment, and
although it is all very exciting to see on vid and hear about from the kids, new kids on the block, as we ole boomers just fade away even as the ole soldiers of greatest generation did all they could to stop them dam nazis and finally defeat the frickin fascists before taking their exits from earthly existence, and
althought the dam nazis and the frickin fascists are once again comin out of the woodwork like mice when the house is dark,
I’m about ready to put a lid on it all and fuhgedaboudit, hence: