So what about the Jews?
Like a disease, antisemitism flares up now and then in our world history and . . . now again, it seems, to be poking its hateful head in our present Age.
The Jewish people have been documenting human behaviour for thousands of years. Their history scrolls originated with a very smart man named Moses. He wrote the story of a wise man named Abraham who decided to improve his life and the life of his family, by leaving a bad situation and moving to a faraway place where he could do better for himself and his family.
But Moses’ historical opus wasn’t just about Abraham. Moses also documented the ancient story of how the Creator, YWHW for lack of a better word, who created our world and the first people in it.
And if that wasn’t enough, Moses also wrote a list of laws that have enabled men and women to live productively and healthily in tribes and communities for thousands of years.
Because Jews have been literate and morally conscientious longer than other people groups of the world, they have developed a culture that provokes jealousy and resentment from other people.
We humans have a very useful thing call Law. The Jews are more responsible than any other people group for the awareness of law and the proper use of it for establishing and maintaining a civil society.
You know what I’m talking about: Thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, etc. etc.
Their cultural insistence on doing the right thing gets them into trouble with people who don’t want to do the right thing.
What happens is this: Some wise guy cranks up a human project or institution that victimizes other people. The wise guy and his lackeys know that what they want to do is wrong but they blast their way through their unjust or usurious program anyway.
And what happens, historically, is that a Jew who knows and understands the moral Law comes along and says No you can’t do that; it’s not right!
In ancient times, for instance, a notable prophet, Daniel, served in the royal court of Babylon, similar to what Joseph had done in Egypt, many years prior.
In elucidating a divine Law for the sake of improving human life and governance — instead of corrupt human laws that promote the hegemony of of powerful overlords — Jews such as Daniel have from time to time gotten themselves in trouble with the powers that be.
In ancient Babylon, Daniel came to understand the character and motivations of corrupt leaders. Daniel described, in those ancient times a type of leader who would do as he pleases — instead of doing rightly by promoting Justice, Mercy and Peace.
Daniel described such a leader:
“He will show no regard for the gods (or sacred values) of his fathers . . . for he will magnify himself above all.”
“He will honor a god of forces . . . with gold, silver and costly stones and treasures.”
That person whom Daniel described in ancient times indicates an archetypal leader who arises from time to time in human history.
In the long trail of our human civiization, certain Jews who were aware, at the time, of such entities have gotten themselves into deep trouble because they were aware of the corruption that goes on among the movers and shakers of our civilizations.
And they were willing to expose that corruption so that the rest of us citizens would understand what the hell is going on.
The most recent manifestation of this historical dynamic was worked out in the Third Reich, dreamed up and actualized by adolf hitler, who imposed a massive holocaust on the Jewish people. But decent citizens of the world moved in to put a stop to those murderous auschwitz-camps and gulags and other despicable, unlawful imprisonments that men concoct to control other men and women.
In the world today, there are men who would strive to put themselves, improperly and unjustly, in positions of power for the sake of their own enrichment and authority.
But for the sake of all mankind, as well as for the protection of Jews and other persecuted ethnicities, men who enforce their own wealth and power at the usurious expense and persecution of others should be brought under the mantle of Justice and legitimate Law.
May it never happen again!
Never again.