Thank you, James, for bringing this understanding further into the light of our awareness.
Dr. King's awareness of that moral arc was increased by his understanding of the life and work of Mohandas Gandhi.
But looking even further back in time, Dr. King's intimate identity with Moses is brightly illuminated in his oratory. "I've been to the mountop." I have seen the promised land!"
On the night before his death, however, he spoke plainly, "I may not get there with you." Even so, bold man of history that he was, he did not allow the threats of white supremecists--which were constant-- to dissuade him from carrying the torch of justice. "Let me be a drum major for Justice!"
In 1978, I recorded a song that I had written about Dr. King and his identity with Moses. The words are sung as a personal reflection of another man, me, while trudging up a mountain called Pisgah, which is in North Carolina where I live. If you care to give it a listen, here is the link to online venue that was fulfilled by a person whom I do not know.
Thanks again, James, for bringing this ray of truth to our attention.