Thank you, Tim, for your timely, well-informed report.
Your experience in education authenticates and strengthens your emphasis.
The manslaughter of George Floyd was a turning point in American history, analagous to the Dred Scott case shortly before the civil war.
The current reconstruction of curriculums to include a stronger advocacy for correcting the racial imbalances in our society--this reconstruction is necessary aand appropriate.
I hope it does not turn out like the first Reconstrution, post-civil war, did. The white supremecist good ole boy social structure of the deep south, strengthened and thoroughly corrupted by the KKK, was a massive crime which our nation is still striving to recover.
Thank you, Tim, for the work you are doing toward that necessary education and any reconciliation that may come of it.
As a 70-year householder who was raised in the deep south, I understand some of this history. I even wrote a novel, King of Soul, that reflects some of the George Floyd-type murders of those "whites only" bathrooms etc. A most notable offense was the murder of Medgar Evans, who fought for us in Europe in 1944, then returned home to Mississippi and was told by a bus driver to go to the back of the bus. Not too long thereafter, Medgar was shot dead in his own front yard.
In the wake of Floyd, Brionna, Freddie Gray, Arbery and many others, it is obvious that the need is large for corrective reform in law enforcement, justice systems, social institutions.
We still have a long way to go.
As for the widening cultural gap that divides reds from blues, my gut feeling is that the imposition of unorthodox curriculum and bathroom redefinitions provoked by gender identity activists is a deeper offense to many parents whose childraising rights and privileges are more sacred to them than the defense of racism, which they know in their hearts is wrong.
Progressives should concentrate on educating the whites on racial issues, and leave the sex definitions up to parents.
Democrats will do better in the upcoming elections if they will drop their frantic redefinitions of gender identity. That attemtped rearrangement hits much closer to home, and closer to what is preciously functional between every loving parent's two legs, and between the legs of their children.