That is wisdom, George. Thanks for your counsel here, freely offered to all those inquiring readers who are willing to seek and delve into the wisdom of the ages.
I have often stated to my friends the very same observation that you bring forth here: young people need to know and understand what has happened in this perilous, unstable world that we inhabit.
Twitter, Facebook, Netflix etc etc seem to have everybody all caught up in the here and now these days, and devoting very little time to research the thousands of years that preceded this time.
I will mention that I have written and published four historical novels. The third one, "Smoke" presents to the reader 300 pages of backstory and character story pertaining to the year 1937.
--Not to blow my own trumpet here, but simply stating that I, imperfect Christian that I am, agree with you and am acting upon it--to educate the next generation, and my boomer generation and anyone else who is interested.
My 69 years on this earth have shown me that your counsel to learn history is good advice.
And I will not neglect to mention that the most important history of all took place in the Middle East during the years 0-33 A.D.
Here, there, and yon if you look around you'll find an old best-seller book where you can read all about it.
Seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
George, keep up the good work of sharing what you learned on Medium.