The Evita Mystery
Our media-saturated life is a roundabout. We go ‘round and round in our daily routines, in our weekly routines, and monthly and. . . year after year, decade after decade, until one fateful day. . .
Anyway, don’t know about you, but I’ve been on this merry-go-round since 1951; not that it was all that merry, but that it does go round and round and is perpetually decorated with memories.
For sure, there are the real memories, with real people. . . fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, school chums, frieusnds, best friends.
Then there are the ever-present media memories that are always humming or gleaming in the background. For my generation that backdrop was Captain Kangaroo, Howdy Doody, Disney stuff, Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, Kennedy, MLK, Saigon, blahblah. . .
AM radio. Elvis, Beatles, CSNY, Karen Carpenter. . .
Say what? Karen Carpenter?
Well, yes, there was Karen, who came along with her pianoforte’ brother, Richard.
The point of this blog is getting around to what I’ve been remembering for the last week or so:
the most beautiful voice that God ever put into a human, and now that that you mention it. . . Karen singing the most beautiful song written during my lifetime.
Don’t ask me how it happened.
The song, Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, was sung in a musical opus called Evita, a so-called rock opera, by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice in 1976.
The story in that Webber/Rice rock opera is a musical depiction of the life of Evita Peron, wife of historic Argentinian President, Juan Peron. You can learn more about her in this Wikipedia posting:
I don’t know how or why I got onto this song-memory thread . . . but I guess I just wanted you to hear it:
Music and Memory are two incredibly fascinating elements in this life. This is my way of sharing a very special moment in 20th-centiry music with you.