the Middle Road
Back in time, springtime, Joe Biden rescued the Democratic party from leftism when when he entered the primaries and was eventually able to enter the mainstream main race for Presidency, between him and the former guy.
In so doing, Joe Biden not only rescued our nation from trumpian quasi-fascist deterioration; he also, as it turns out, rescued the Democrats from their tendency toward self-inflicted leftist excess.
Joe’s reasonably progressive approach to taxation is now being realized in his administration’s policies to confront the problems we now face.
Now the word on the Web is that Joe’s tax proposal will skim from Corporate coffers instead of the, specifically, infamous “rich” or “1%”.
This makes sense. Most folks have a “sense” of what those corporate entities are; they’re the big names that seem to dominate everything that goes on; you know who they are.
Whereas, the “rich” are not so readily identifiable. They’ll always be there, but not in such high profile as everybody’s favorite scapegoat — the big corporations who run everything.
You know who those fatcat corporations are. . . AmGooFbWalMcBurgerBlahblah and so on. Let ’em pay a little more for all that goes on, all that infrastructure out there that enables them to develop and transport all the goods and services that put $ in their coffers at the expense of Joe Public and Jane Doe.
The other reported source for Bidenic public fundraising is saving money by ending federal fossil fuel subsidies. This makes perfect sense. The dinosaur oil companies that draw their lifeblood from ancient dinosaur pools — they’re doing just fine, money wise. They don’t need .gov tax breaks. Not only that, but we got a legitimate societal strategy underway now for minimizing carbon emissions as much as possible.
Let We the Consumer People get the tax breaks!
And then there’s grapevine news that Joe wants to end offshore tax havens for corporations. Sounds like a winner to me. Keep the American money over here, Stateside, as much as possible.
The bottom line is that Joe’s leadership is following the Moderate middle that he always did represent since he was elected to national leadership and governance in 1972.
Joe was always a reasonable guy. He still is, right in the middle of American governance, constantly delivering Democrats from excessive leftism, and delivering Republicans from falling off the edge of fascist fallacy.
We told you that Joe was a middle-of-the-road guy, striving to keep us from crashing on those guardrails that line the Left and Right of our 21st-century Race toward trouble.
And Joe is living up to that Middle path, which has always defined true American progress.
Keep up the good work, Joe!