The Raving
(with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a weird and querious clip of newsy lore —
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of something rudely rapping, crudely tapping at my online door.
“It’s just some pesky ad”, I muttered, to interrupt my American dream —
“Nothing but some cyber-scheme .”
Ah but, distinctly, I remember it was 2020’s weird November,
After each citizen, voting soul, had cast their vote into our poll.
Now, in mid- December, with dignity repairing and
our new President preparing an end to MAGA madness
with renewing Lincolnian gladness.
Good government forevermore!
But suddenly while I looked quizzly at my phone, sitting in my pad alone,
In there slid a tweeting Raving, from the campaign days of raging.
Not the least obeisance made he; not an instant stopped or stayed he;
but in an air of some bad dream, he perched upon my tweeted screen’
Perched and bragged, and nothing more.
But now entrapping my near-napping with his pernicious yapping
I saw the proud and arrogant bluster of the countenance he wore,
I swore:
“We’ve heard your mouth so loud and proud, whenever there’s a crowd,
in demeaning those who attend not your commands. . .
and your friggin’ groping hands.
But soon you’ll be removed, so get thee on the move, and haunt no more our White House door.
But quoth the Raving, “Evermore!”
“Will be Wild, Forevermore!”
So, one tweet leads to another; in the winking of an Ellipse eye . . .
Jan6 day finds us suddenly again corrupt,
as rioting MAGA mobs our Congress murderously disrupt,
I’m like: “Stop! your MAGAmob! You’re a Loser, you Raving Abuser!”
Cuz in their Jan6 rioting, so rudely they came a-fighting,
So rudely they were insurrecting
with criminal rage our Rule of Law infecting
cuz you so incitefully came a-tweeting,
through your MAGAs’ obsequious a-bleeting.
Now Democracy lies here bleeding!
Breaking bad our Capitol doors, they ranted and they riled:
Cuz quoth the Raving: Will be Wild!
Deep into their riot a-peering, long I stared at screen, and fearing,
doubting, hearing f-words ne’er uttered ‘neath our Rotunda before.
Does now our Rule of Law lie in ruins, abhorred ?
Will our Democracy be restored?
Quoth the Raving: Nevermore! But hey. Will be Wild!