There is a significant amount of accuracy in this oversimplified analysis.
The fundamental difference between left and right is however, not sufficiently accounted for in your presentation here.
That fundamental difference is faith, aka religion, aka belief.
Faith is what sentient beings rely on for guidance when the neuronic networks of intelligence reach the limits of their capacity to explain and cope with what IS.
There's a long history here, as you know, but the fundamental statement is this:
There is an eternally creative Being which arranged, initiated, and sustains the post-bang development of all that was, is, and will ever be.
This creative Being selected-- from among the homonids, perhaps the CroMagnons and or the Neanderthals--selected a pair, then set them aside in a certain controlled environment, a walled garden, so to speak, and endowed them with an unprecedented element of sentience, choice and creativity, which set them apart from the other creatures.
This supranatural endowment is referred to in ancient writings as "made in the image of God." Which is to say . . . Creator put a little bit of that creative impulse, that artistic character, into homo sapiens, which sets our operative modus operandi apart from the animal and mineral world.
And this arrangement also draws us into a sacred duty: responsibility.
Responsibility to put our own houses in order, our own societies in order, and indeed our own Planet in order.
So you see that Stewardship of the Garden, Stewardship of the Planet obligates us to Conservation, which is intimately linked to Conservatism, which is intimately linked to Responsibility and the sacred Call to Do unto Others as you would have them Do unto You.
Thus redistribution of resources becomes a function of divine impulse toward doing the right thing, rather than enforced schemes of of income redistribution.