There is one endorsement that might rescue Pence's respectability in the eyes of classic Republicans (myself included): His declaration to support--if it were to happen-- the legitimacy of Liz Cheney and Adam Zinzinger's stand against trumpian criminality.
If Mike were to stand with these two Congressional bravehearts. . . such resolute integrity could be a game-changer.
"Trump was wrong" should be a preamble amplified with a more important moral declaration, to whit: "Liz and Adam are right!"
By so doing, he could possibly establish a redemptive path for sycophant republicans to come to their senses and return to the long-lost conservative credibility of Barry Goldwater . . . "In your heart, you know he's right" is what Barry's supporters chanted in 1964.
Born again Republicans could be redeemed by changing their tune to "In your heart, you know Trump's wrong!"
A complimentary cherry on top of such newfound Republican delicacy could be heard in this added phrase: ". . . and a LOSER!"