This 68-year-old baby boomer applauds your insightful, well-informed analysis. I have learned much through the reading of it. Keep up the good work.
re: “the affinity of millennials and Gen Z for socialism is real.”
So maybe a reworking of “socialism” in the 21st-century post-communist, post-capitalist web-connected world could have a different outcome. . . a different working-out than the disastrous “socialism” versions brought forth by the 20th-century nazified national socialists and the now-defunct union of soviet socialist republics.
But if such an improved-version entity can, and does, arise . . . under the auspices of climate-change mitigation, or income redistribution, or universal health care or all three — whatever form it takes — if you find that a strong (make the egalitarian world Great) stalinish or hitlerian leader arises under the guise of deliverance from capitalist/climate-rapist oppression. . . don’t let him do it, no matter how persuasive his rhetoric and or amazing light-shows and video miracles might be.
Any form of capitalism is better than totalitarian slavery.