Tree Agreement
Did you ever see a tree
with which you agree?
Today I did see a tree
with which I agree.
You may think me to be
a little daffy
because I did see this tree
and to think I could agree
with a tree is a little wacky
But I’m not the only one.
You may say that I’m a dreamer
but I’m not only one.
Leo Tolstoy once saw a tree
with which he did agree.
Actually it wasn’t Leo who did see
the agreeable tree.
It was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.
And yes, with Prince Andrei I do agree
that a tree can agree with me.
He saw a tree that was old and gnarly
and with it he did agree
But the next day it was green and bloomy.
So he convinced himself to agree
that an old tree, that was, like life itself, gnarly
could indeed be bloomy, not just all the time gloomy.
Prince Bolkonsky and the tree and me do agree!
Do you see now how I could agree
with a speechless tree?
After all, poems were made by fools like me
but only God can make a tree
and who wants to disagree
with the Deity?
Not me.
The tree with which I agree
is growing on a rock!
Imagine that!
Although you don’t have to imagine it.
Here is another tree for you to see:
I didn’t make it up.
So maybe you can agree with me and Prince Bolkonsky,
and of course, Emily. . .
Poems were made by fools like me, but only God can make
a tree grow on a rock!