Wow. Your boldly jubilant idealism is admirable. Good luck with that.
It looks to me a lot like the original — please excuse the bad word — capitalism.
In the wake of this present creative destruction, a modern trial-run of the biblical jubilee principle could be helpful and productive. This involves debt-forgiveness on a massive scale, and then rearrangement of properties based on how the chips land.
But it’s not likely to happen. A hundred years ago, when the Russians attempted a similarly massive reconstruction of their post-czar economy, they messed it up badly.
How likely is it that we could more successfully accomplish such a major reconstruction of our economy and business environment? Put it this way: the disruption would probably be even bigger and more traumatic than this Covid thing that’s dismembering everything now.
Whatever happens next — in these next few years . . . fasten your seat belt. It’s going to be a rough ride.