You are correct, Jack. We boomers have screwed up. We were out in the streets over a different set of issues.
Looking at what's out there now, I feel for ya. We have a son and two daughters a little older than you. What you are up against presents a much steeper uphill climb than what we had after Vietnam wound down and Civil Rights Act was in place.
Looking back on our time at the helm, I see that we should not have sold your future out by buying MBS, CDOs, and credit default swaps. We should have invested in REAL assets, real infrastructure, through which you guys could grab hold of system and go with it.
But we screwed up, and now the chief money-manipulater is calling the shots. This does not look good.
My main hope is that he doesn't drag us into a war with the Chinese; we've already been down that road, and it only leads to a Ho Chi Minh trail.
The only constructive advice I can offer is: find a way to crank up a green deal to get Solar Collection farms going on a large scale as a vast public works project, similar to the way the New Deal built dams and other land projects.
Good luck with that.