You need to put shoe leather on your efforts here. Run for Congress! It's the American way, if there still is such a thing.
Your presentation is well-balanced, truly centrist, and it even makes a lot of good ole common sense.
What state are you in? You need to get out and start spreading your message.
Send this Medium link to Mitt, Liz, Paul Ryan, John Beohner, even Mitch . . . every reasonable Republican you can think of.
Send your message to centrist-leaning Democrats. Send it to Joe Manchin. Get the higher-ups to contact people in your state who can help you get started.
Get out there and make speeches. Go to school board meetings, City Council meetings. Recruit locals to help you a foot in the door of local business people who understand what is really going on at the grass-roots level.
Offer our people a "square deal." You've heard of the New Deal? You've heard of the bad deal, the real deal ?
Put together the "square deal." It's all up there in your posting above.
Memorize it, or rehearse skillfully to present these real-world fixes in a stump speech. Have fun doing it! You will meet a lot of people. Many will agree with you Some will even throw money at you if they can see you are serious.
You've heard of "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"?
It's time for Mr. RadCentrist to go to Washington!
Uncle Sam is looking squarely at you and pleading, "I want you!"
Please, please, please, somebody deliver us from this long national nightmare that began with Donald Trump but still has no end in sight.